The R.T.A. Says Tenants Must:
"Advise the property owner/manager
if there is any issue with the alarm
(apart from batteries)."
The QFES Recommends that:
"ionization smoke alarms be
replaced with a photoelectric
type as soon as possible."
More > > >
ionization Alarms are in Most Homes:
What type are in your home?
ionization alarms have the radiation (trefoil)
warning symbol on the back (see below).
Take the R.T.A and QFES Advice:
Send a 'Smoke Alarm Safety Letter' to your landlord or
property manager to inform/warn them about properly
protecting their property and your family.
Have them Replaced with Photoelectric Alarms
Ask your property owner/manager to arrange for all ionization
alarms to be replaced with photoelectrics as soon as possible.
Tenant's / Property Manager's 'Smoke Alarm Safety Letter'
Warning Landlord's and Property Manager's About ionization Alarms
More > > >
Jillian Ginn | Mother, Brisbane, Queensland | 18 March 2017
I thought I was protecting my family . . .
Jillian Ginn
More > > >
. . . by having ionization smoke alarms in my home. My son would be
alive if I had photoelectric alarms instead - as our devastating fire
was a smouldering fire which would have been detected earlier with photoelectric technology. I strongly urge all landlords to make sure
they only have photoelectric smoke alarms in all their properties.
Why Tenants are Dying in Rentals Fitted
with 'Working' ionization Smoke Alarms
"This one here is the ionization . . . we want
these banned . . . get it out of your home."
Louie Naumovski, Logan House Fire Support Network Founder, warning that 'working'
ionization smoke alarms should be banned due to failure to activate in real-world fires
Australian Senate Smoke Alarm Inquiry
Brisbane Hearing | LHFSN Testimony | 24 October 2015
Louie Naumovski's Video Testimony
Debunking 'Working Smoke Alarms' Myth
LHFSN's Written Submission About Deaths in Rented
Properties Fitted with 'Working' ionization Smoke Alarms
"...For Thirty Years The Truth Has
Been Kept From The Public."
David Isaac, Australia's Leading Fire Safety Expert Discussing Flawed Smoke Alarm Standards
01:37 David Isaac, Standards Australia Committee FP002
"In 1976 the U.S. government funded testing of smoke alarms in typical residential applications. And in 1976 they discovered that the ionization smoke alarm had an inability to detect smoke from typical smoldering fires . . . and for thirty years this information has been kept from the public. . ."
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