The World Fire Safety Foundation
FAQ and Application Form
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Vermont, USA

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How can I promote my webpage?
1. Put a link to your custom page in the footer of your emails
2.  Use the supporters flyers with your custom link
3.  Use the Supporter’s Logo on your website with a link to your custom
     supporter’s page

To find out more go to the Promotions Page

Why should I become a Supporter?
Spreading this message saves lives and because the Foundation does not sell anything people do not feel threatened - and most of them very much appreciate you making the effort to inform them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my page for commercial purposes?
Yes.  Numerous companies have been using this website to help educate their customers about fire safety for years.  If you run any type of business, becoming a Supporter will send a message to your customers that you really do care.

What happens if I don’t use my page?
It costs us nothing to keep your page live - we will keep it active even if you are not using it unless you request that we delete it, by sending us an email.

How will I know if anyone has been to my page?
All Supporters pages have a hit counter in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

What if my friends want to become Supporters?
The more people spreading the word the better.  Our goal is to have thousands of supporters globally.

Does it cost anything to become a Supporter?
No - you are doing us a favour by helping spread our message.