Helping families devastated by house fire so no
family feels isolated, alone and lost in a time of need

Louie and Christine Naumovski

Co-Founders, LHFSN

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The Alarming Truth

Ionization Smoke
Alarm Exposé

Meeting the Minister
of Emergency Services
& QFES Commissioner

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Australian Senate Smoke Alarm Inquiry Hearing

Louie Naumovski Testimony

at the first hearing of the Senate Inquiry in Brisbane

"What Louie's about to tell you is going to save your life."

Karl Stefanovic with Logan House Fire Support Network Founder Louie Naumovski

0:00  Karl Stefanovic, 'Smoke Detector Warning'  02 Sept 2015  |  Channel 9 Today Show, Sydney, Australia

"There's one important thing. Now everyone at home can listen to this. This is going to save your life.  What Louie is about to tell you

  is going to save your life. Louie; photoelectric alarms."

"They're really brave people, incredible people, inspiring..."

Karl Stefanovic with Logan House Fire Support Network Founders Louie & Christine Naumovski

1:23  Karl Stefanovic, Anchor, Today Show, Channel 9, Sydney, NSW  Australia  |  15 May 2015

"They're in as as good a hands as they can get. Louie and his wife there do incredible work in these situations. I've had experience

  with them before when families have lost even more than just the one one child.  They're really brave people, incredible people,

  inspiring and they know exactly what they are doing."

The Story Behind the Logan House Fire Support Network

4:31 - Louie Naumovski, Founder, Logan House Fire Support Network

"We started after a devastating house fire in Slacks Creek, city of Logan, Queensland.  12:04am on the 24th of August 2011, the first
  of 31 triple 0 calls was received by Emergency Services. Unbeknownst to those triple 0 calls, 11 people were trapped inside that

  burning home. Three adults and eight children. They all perished."


5:03 - Christine Naumovski, Co-Founder, Logan House Fire Support Network

"We just felt the need to help in the community, and after we helped with that fire we then were then called into another fire to help and

  we realised there was a need in the community for a service such as ours where people can turn to someone to help them. . . "

Community video about Logan House Fire Support Network and other support groups in the city of Logan in Queensland, Australia

Queensland's Proposed

Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Legislation

The Story Behind the Legislation. . .

Part 2

21 September 2015

QLD Fire & Emergency Services Commissioner

Wants photoelectric
alarms in all homes

More > > >

Part 4

3 November 2015

Cr Luke Smith &
Louie Naumovski

Wants photoelectric
alarms in all homes

More > > >

Part 3

23 September 2015

Logan City

Wants photoelectric
alarms in all homes

More > > >

Wants photoelectric

Part 5

Louie Naumovski

Founder LHFSN

8 December 2015

More > > >

01 September 2015

Part 1

Logan House Fire
Support Network

Want ionization
smoke alarms banned

More > > >

The Pending Legislation. . .

Part 6

'Superior Smoke Alarms to Save Queensland Lives'

3 December 2015

More > > >

Louie, Karl Stefanovic & Christine

David Isaac, Christine & Louie

The WFSF thanks the LHFSN Founders Louie & Christine Naumovski for securing

and for their ongoing commitment advocating photoelectric smoke alarms.

'The Alarming Truth'

LOUIE Naumorski and his wife Christine Richards have attended more house fires than they ever wanted to this year.


They have witnessed first-hand the grief of families whose loved ones could not escape the blaze.


Now the couple, who operate the Logan House Fire Support Network, are on a mission to have photoelectric smoke alarms installed in every home.


"We don't get paid or receive any money, we are here to help the community," Mr Naumorski said.


"Last financial year we attended 41 house fires and this figure will unfortunately climb over winter, which is the busiest period for house fires."


The couple launched the Logan House Fire Support Network after 11 people, including eight children, died when a fire destroyed a Slacks Creek home in 2011.


Since then people have continued to perish in house fires.


The tragedies have continued this year with one death in Logan and another in south-west Brisbane due to house fires, but Mr Naumorski said homes fitted with photoelectric smoke alarms could save lives.


"We don't know if these homes were fitted with photoelectric smoke alarms or ionization alarms, but we want to raise the awareness of replacing old ionization alarms," he said.


"The community needs to be warned of the danger lurking in their homes this winter."


Mr Naumorski said the traditional ionization alarms only detect flames and do not have to pass the test for visible smoke.


"They constantly false alarm when cooking so it gives the home owner/occupier a false sense of security that their alarm is working when in fact if a smouldering fire started in your home while you slept, you would have next to no warning or time to escape a deadly fire," he said.


"In most cases the deadly toxic fumes would almost certainly take your life before the alarm even activates."


Mr Naumorski said photoelectric smoke alarms detect visible particles of combustion and respond to a wide range of fires.


"They are particularly responsive to smouldering fires and the dense smoke given off by foam-filled furnishings or overheated PVC wiring," he said.


Ms Richards said it was never easy going to a house fire.


"It's a matter of keeping your emotions in check and debriefing after. But it is rewarding and we try and provide as much assistance as we can," she said.



by Kelly Daniels, Editor | 13th July 2015 10:39 AM

Photo by Inga Williams, The Reporter

Louie Naumorski and Christine Richards from Logan House Fire Support Group.

Note: Mr Naumovski's highlighted statement above, " not have to pass the test for visible smoke", is referring to Australia's flawed

          smoke alarm standard AS3786-1993, where ionization alarms are subjected to, but do not have to pass the Australian government
          (CSIRO) tests for visible smoke:

Louie & Christine Meet Emergency Services Minster & QFES Commissioner

27 July 2015


Today we had the pleasure of meeting the Emergency Services Minister Jo-Ann Miller MP, and Katarina Carroll the Commissioner of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.

It is nice to know we have been positively received in the community and look forward to hearing how we can further help our emergency services.


Facebook Extract:

Katarina Carroll

Commissioner QFES

Christine & Louie Naumovski with the Hon Jo-Ann Miller MP (centre)

meeting at QFES headquarters, Kedron, Brisbane  |  27 July 2015

Australian Government | Senate Inquiry - Smoke Alarms Logan House Fire Support Network Submission

Click Image Below for LHFSN Video and Written

Testimony  at the Australian Senate Smoke Alarm Inquiry


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